Thomas M. Crawford
physicist & engineering consultant
"... building predictive models and solving practical problems for business and industry in applied physics, optics, engineering, missile defense, and energy ..."
phone / text: 520-664-8912
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Professional experience: Optical physicist and systems engineer with 39 years of experience. Significant work includes:
- Developed systems, seekers, and sensors for Missile Defense, Space Situational Awareness, Hypersonics.
- Analyzed & modeled radiometric signatures from re-entry vehicles, hypersonic threats, associated objects.
- Analyzed and measured effects of nuclear weapons & space radiation on optical components and systems.
- Researched technologies to monitor proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
- Invented and developed sensors for measuring density and thickness during hypervelocity collisions.
- Performed physics based modeling, development of trees for requirements flow, radiometric error, probability of kill
Education: BS, MS, ABD in physics and optical physics.
Technical expertise: Highly interdisciplinary with both breadth and depth.
- Physics based modeling - physics, lasers, optics, IR radiometry, nuclear & radiation effects, hypervelocity collisions, atmospheric optical turbulence
- First order analysis for requirements definition and systems trades
- Experimental development of sensors and instrumentation
Computer skills: Physics based modeling in MatLab, Python, Excel w/ VBA. Proficient in Word, Power Point, Project, html. Minor experience in C, C++, Fortran.
Communications skills: Developed and taught 26 hour technical course on lasers and applications, presented customer briefings, written numerous technical papers, presentations, and proposals. Developed and managed various websites.
Significant accomplishments: Creative problem solver as shown by:
- Granted a 1998 R&D 100 Award by R&D Magazine.
- 1 patent and 1 pending patent related to Hypervelocity impact characterization for use in missile defense and other space applications.
- 3 patents and 1 pending patent related to other missile defense technologies.
- 7 patents related to sensing and instrumentation for the power industry, chemical sensing, and characterization of ultra-low loss, ultra-high reflectance optical components.